体育菠菜大平台’s INSpRE Instrumentation Core encompasses all major shared research instrumentation at 体育菠菜大平台. This equipment is available to core members, academic researchers, and industrial users at modest cost. The instruments included in the core span a broad range of capabilities including spectroscopy, materials analysis, chemical separation & identification, biochemistry/molecular biology, optical microscopy, exercise & sports science, audiology, and computing.

Please browse the categories below to learn more about the INSpRE Core instrumentation and capabilities. Contact the Core Director or Research Associate for more information or to schedule usage.


Materials Analysis

Chemical Separation and Identification

Exercise and Sport Science

Field Biology

Optical Microscopy

Biochem and Molecular Biology

Communication Disorders / Audiology

The INSpRE core is supported through funding from the Nebraska Research Initiative and from its member departments: Chemistry; Biology; Communication Disorders; Kinesiology and Sports Sciences; and Physics & Astronomy.